The classic Greek tragedy written by Euripides in 405 BC

The tragedy is based on the Greek myth of King Pentheus of Thebes and his mother Agave, and their punishment by the god Dionysus (who is Pentheus's cousin). The god Dionysus appears at the beginning of the play and proclaims that he has arrived in Thebes to avenge the slander, which has been repeated by his aunts, that he is not the son of Zeus. In response, he intends to introduce Dionysian rites into the city, and he intends to demonstrate to the king, Pentheus, and to Thebes that he was indeed born a god. At the end of the play, Pentheus is torn apart by the women of Thebes and his mother Agave bears his head on a pike to her father Cadmus.


Designed for the screen as a feature film that is akin to the highly stylized aesthetic of other greek inspired films like 300 or immortals. I see it as a continuation of those worlds, a sister story taking place in a very dark but glamorized world that plays on a richness of textures and contrast, and that incorporates particular use of metallics and leathers combined with elegant drapery that is associated with the greeks. The climate is warm but the arid mountainous region inspires a muted earth-toned palette of rocks, granites, and precious metals that is decidedly cooler and devoid of any verdant or botanical themes. This also lends to a more stage-like feel that is appropriate for a Greek drama.


King Lear


Much Ado About Nothing